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Systemic Team Coaching

What is Systemic Team Coaching?

Our systemic team coaching approach offers a layer of value which ensures that the team output is greater than the sum of the collective individuals.

It is more than just coaching a number of team members to achieve their own individual potential (although of course that is part of it). Systemic Team Coaching, in addition, acknowledges the wider team and examines the way individuals within a team interract with each other and how the team interracts with other teams, the wider business and external stakeholders.

Our team coaching methodology is based on that promoted by the Academy of Executive Coaches. We use Team Connect 360, to offer valuable insights into how your team could be more productive and effective. We usually work with Teams of 2 or 3 and up to 10 individuals but may be able to accommodate larger teams should that be required.

Why do we need Systemic Team Coaching?

Increasingly we are asked to work in an integrated way with other teams to deliver projects more cost effectively and to a better standard. Within healthcare, this means better outcomes for patients and better value.
Dysfunctional teams fail to deliver due to lack of trust, inability to challenge each other meaningfully and an unwillingness to  share and to be accountable.
The challenges are:
  • We are faced with large, complex and seemingly intractable problems
  • We juggle multiple uncertainties
  • No one person in any of the organisations can find the solution on their own
  • Everyone is grappling with how to make their resources meet growing demand
  • We often work in splendid isolation and wait for someone else to act

Systemic Team Coaching will get teams working effectively and will involve team visioning, values and goals, planning, commitment, accountability, action and getting the unsaid onto the table. With permission, we will involve your stakeholders  to check what really matters to them and how they thik you are performing. Its about learning about yourselves and how you can be more effective. You will also learn how to have a living action plan.

We will make sure you make time to celebrating your success!

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